Hooray – the renovation work at the CWA hall in Maroochydore has been completed so we will have the club meeting there in March and for the balance of this year except for our show in October. The March meeting will centre around repotting as  autumn is the preferred potting season for some in the Sunshine Coast.

The February workshop was held at the Uniting Church Hall in Buderium and was well attended.

24 Months in the Making

24 Months in the Making

What started out in mid-2019 as a grand plan to create a grouping of young Trident Maples in the Root Over Rock style to work on progressively the following year, ground to somewhat of a halt in 2020 as COVID changed everything. For most of last year we were unable to meet as a Club, so Kimberly Halter’s creation has been quietly growing in Margaret Roberson’s Bonsai collection.

Hence, it was with great pleasure and real anticipation that 24 months later we welcomed Kimberly back to our June meeting for the grand unveiling…or, more accurately, grand repotting of the now well established Maples. Kimberly is a dynamic presenter and her craft skills are well known within the Bonsai world. It is really wonderful to have renowned Bonsaists such as Kimberly Halter visit our Club and share their knowledge and expertise with us. Thank you, Kimberly. We look forward to welcoming you back in the near future.

Bonsai Express!

Bonsai Express!

A great day on Saturday 1 May as 25 members of the Club travelled to Brisbane for the Annual Bimer Bonsai Show at the Brisbane Botanic Gardens. An excellent show, spectacular trees and a great sales area. Thank you to the Bimer team for welcoming us.